What does a MAC address look like?

Written by Johan, published at Sept. 24, 2019, 10:42 a.m.

A MAC address is an address that is used in local networks and is used for communication between devices. If device A wants to send traffic to device B, device A uses devices B's MAC address.
MAC addresses can be displayed in different formats, but the most common format on Netlookup.se is 00:16:cb:a4:bd:ca. In this case, the first 6 characters are assigned to Apple, Inc. and that means if a device are using this MAC address, it is probably an Apple device.

If you want to find out the vendor for a MAC address, you can use the search engine on the front page.

Here is an example of the same MAC address with different formatting.


See all articles - Find the vendor for a given MAC address


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