MAC prefix 28FCF6

Shenzhen Xin KingBrand enterprises Co.,Ltd is registered for MAC prefix 28FCF6. This prefix starts with MAC address 28FCF6000000 and ends with 28FCF6FFFFFF.

This vendor has a total of 1 MAC address prefixes registered.

Contact information

Shenzhen Xin KingBrand enterprises Co.,Ltd
Kingbrand Industrial Zone
Nanpu Road
Shang liao ling pi keng
Shajing Town Shenzhen Guangdong CN 518000

MAC address assignments

Below is a list of all MAC addresses registered to Shenzhen Xin KingBrand enterprises Co.,Ltd.

Registry Prefix First MAC in span Last MAC in span
MA-L 28FCF6 28FCF6000000 28FCF6FFFFFF


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